We Are:

Dynamic. Efficient. Transparent. 


Taylor Dolezal

Senior Systems Engineer & CEO

Hello, my name is Taylor Dolezal and I enjoy creating high quality software solutions by building tight-knit teams that focus on success and sustainability. I believe in creating a lasting legacy. My legacy is built by solving difficult problems and cultivating long term, rewarding relationships with all my clients and teammates.

I have worked on a plethora of projects, ranging from the aerospace industry, all the way to the medical industry. My career started with lots of focus on the .NET ecosystem and gradually I ventured into the open source world, ending up with a deep knowledge into the Ruby and Rails communities. I have recently delved deep into the Go and Elixir communities, with Elixir being my favorite language currently. I have been adding to and strengthening this community by getting involved with not only the core teams, but also in participating in podcasts, screencasts, and meet-up groups within the Elixir community.

On the side project side of things, I always find myself working on what's new in the industry and push myself as far as possible. I enjoy challenging myself with project that break conventions and call me to learn more about a topic I think I know, or to dig deeper into an area that I have not yet mastered yet. I really enjoy reading both technical tomes and all other types of books, but I believe that prototypes speak a lot more loudly than words do!

I'm really good at understanding developers, business needs, and the core competencies of a company. I have always proved myself to be a "rosetta stone" type of personality that works well not only across all verticals, but also across all types of employee functions too. I enjoy working with my team to get things done, and to educate along the way too! I find it so important to make sure that your entire team feels that they can trust one another, feel that they have autonomy within the group, and that they can one day master their craft.

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